Nefertiti Lift

What is Nefertiti Lift procedure?

The Nefertiti Lift is a procedure using relaxing injections to the neck area to achieve a better jawline, reduce the appearance of the Jowls and reduce the "stringy" appearance of the neck. It involves painless injections of Botulinum Toxin into a sheet of muscle called the platisma. The platisma is closely attached onto the skin of the neck, wraps around the neck and down to the upper chest area. When it contracts, it has a downward pull on the lower face and jowls, can create the horizontal wrinkles down the neck, and can take a "stringy" appearance, especially in lean people. Relaxing the platisma allows the facial muscles to better "lift" without the opposing downward force of the platisma. The best candidates are able to tense their neck on demand (assessed with the assistance of your practitioner), and do not carry large amounts of sub mental fat (double chin) although even those candidates sometimes get impressive results.

Skinstitute FAQ

What does the procedure involve?
The Nefertiti Lift procedure uses the same products and treatment procedures as Anti-Wrinkle Injections.
Are there any side effects?
Bruising is possible as with any other treatment which involves needles. The platisma is the muscle that is being treated during this treatment. Sometimes, an area that has not been treated may overcompensate for the fact that overactive parts of the neck have been treated and are no longer dominant. This is easily fixed by adding a few more units of medication during the review.
The price range is $450–$600 per treatment session.