Laser Hair Reduction
How does Laser Hair Reduction work?
Lasers are fast and cost effective, and have been used for many years now for a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures. Lasers emits pulses of high-energy light, which pass through the skin, and are absorbed by the pigment/dark color in the hair shaft. The energy heats the hair shaft which in turns conducts this heat to the surrounding cells which produce the hair in order to disable them.
Hair grows in cycles and the actively growing follicles (in the anagen phase) are the largest and darkest and therefore are the most affected by laser. Not all follicles are damaged each time. Treatments are spread out to allow for resting hairs to grow. An initial course of treatment eg. 3-5 sessions usually achieves over 80% permanent reduction. In general, the darker and coarser the hairs and the lighter the skin, the least treatments are needed for best results. Following this guideline, bikini hairs are the easiest to eradicate and facial hairs need the most treatments and most often require ongoing maintenance. Each treatment will achieve a permanent reduction of the growth allowing the option of only reducing the hair density of a given area if desired.
At some point, the hair will stop responding because it is too thin for the laser as the pigmented follicle is too small to absorb light energy. Patients are usually happy at this point, however finer hair will still be present. The number of treatments depends on hair and skin color, hormone changes, age, the area of the body treated, family history and medications.
Each person varies in response so we cannot predict the exact outcome in each person. The patient can cease treatment at any time without losing the results of the treatments already performed although best results are achieved when subsequent treatments are done at the time when new hairs are just coming through.
All hair growth needs to be present at the time of getting lasered as the pigment present in the hair is the target for the light energy. It is the hair shaft that conducts light energy to reach the root but only the portion of the hair below the skin surface is needed. The external portion of the hair needs to be shaven or trimmed right back just before the treatment to prevent it from burning back onto the skin surface. After a treatment, stubble will remain on the skin as the lasered hair will start to shed. You can assist the process by using a loofah sponge in the shower. This can take 2 weeks before the skin is completely smooth. The thinner regrowth usually happens between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the body area and the number of treatments performed.
Other than laser, electrolysis is the only other means of removing hair permanently. Electrolysis can be painful, has a high potential for scarring, and is very time-consuming and should therefore be restricted to small areas or on white/grey hairs that laser cannot treat.
Skinstitute FAQ
It's important to inform your therapist of any changes in your medication and sun exposure before every treatment.

The Results
- Best results are achieved on coarser darker hairs/fair skin candidates.
- Some areas will regularly achieve 100% reduction (eg bikini) whereas some others will only achieve partial reduction until the hairs are fine and sparse (eg back).
- Laser may only be a long-lasting means of controlling hair growth in some individuals suffering hormonal imbalance (such as Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome).
- Grey/white/blond/red hairs are not affected by the treatment.
- More hairs may develop with age and with hormonal changes.
- Too many variables impact on results and individual results cannot be predicted nor guaranteed.
- Trust your therapist to advise you if you are not a good candidate for this treatment.