High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology (HIFEM)

What is HIFEM?

HIFEM stands for High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology. It is a non-invasive procedure used in aesthetic medicine and physical therapy to stimulate muscle contractions using electromagnetic fields.

HIFEM technology works by generating high-intensity electromagnetic fields that penetrate the skin and fat layers to reach the muscle tissue. This stimulates muscle contractions at a much higher intensity than what can be achieved through voluntary exercise. HIFEM technology is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness and convenience for those seeking non-invasive body contouring and muscle strengthening solutions.

Skinstitute FAQ

What are the benefits of HIFEM?
HIFEM treatments offer a range of benefits, particularly in the areas of aesthetic enhancement and physical therapy. They are a popular choice for individuals looking to enhance their physique without the invasiveness of surgery, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. Here are some of the key benefits:


1. Enhanced Muscle Tone and Strength
  • Intense Muscle Contractions: HIFEM induces supra-maximal muscle contractions that are significantly more intense than voluntary contractions, leading to improved muscle tone and strength.
  • Muscle Hypertrophy: The treatment promotes muscle growth (hypertrophy) and increased muscle fibre density, resulting in a more defined and toned appearance.
2. Fat Reduction
  • Improved Metabolism: HIFEM treatments can also aid in fat reduction by enhancing the metabolic rate in the targeted area, which helps break down fat cells.
  • Body Contouring: Combining muscle toning and fat reduction leads to improved body contours, making the treated areas look more sculpted.
3. Non-Invasive and Safe
  • No Surgery or Injections: HIFEM is a non-invasive procedure that does not require any surgical incisions, needles, or anaesthesia, reducing the risk of complications.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Common side effects are mild and temporary, such as muscle soreness similar to that experienced after an intense workout.
4. Convenience and Efficiency
  • Quick Sessions: Each HIFEM session typically lasts about 30 minutes, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.
  • No Downtime: Patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment, as there is no recovery period needed.
5. Versatile Applications
  • Multiple Body Areas: HIFEM can be used on various body parts, including the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thighs, making it a versatile option for overall body sculpting.
  • Rehabilitation and Strengthening: Besides aesthetic purposes, HIFEM is also beneficial in physical therapy for strengthening weakened muscles and aiding in post-injury or post-surgery recovery.
6. Long-Lasting Results
  • Sustained Improvements: With proper maintenance and a healthy lifestyle, the results of HIFEM treatments can be long-lasting. Maintenance sessions every few months can help sustain muscle tone and definition.
7. Boost in Confidence
  • Improved Appearance: Achieving a more toned and sculpted body can enhance self-esteem and confidence, positively impacting overall well-being.
When will I see results from HIFEM treatments?
Results from HIFEM treatments can vary based on individual factors, but generally, you can expect the following timeline:


1. Immediate Post-Treatment
  • Initial Feeling: Right after the session, you might feel a sense of muscle tightness or slight soreness, similar to the sensation after an intense workout.
  • No Visible Changes: It is unlikely that you will see visible results immediately after the first session.
2. Short-Term Results (1-2 Weeks)
  • Early Changes: Some patients report noticing early changes in muscle tone and a slight improvement in the treated area's firmness within a few weeks.
  • Ongoing Sessions: As you continue with your treatment course (typically 4-6 sessions over 2-3 weeks), these changes may become more apparent.
3. Optimal Results (4-8 Weeks)
  • Visible Improvement: Most patients start to see more significant and noticeable results around 4 to 6 weeks after completing the full treatment course. This includes improved muscle definition and possible fat reduction in the treated area.
  • Peak Results: The full effect of HIFEM treatments usually becomes most visible around 8 weeks post-treatment. By this time, muscle hypertrophy (growth) and fat metabolism changes are more pronounced.
4. Long-Term Maintenance
  • Sustaining Results: To maintain the achieved results, follow-up or maintenance sessions may be recommended every few months. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet will help sustain the results.


Factors Affecting the Timing of Results:

  • Individual Response: Genetics, baseline fitness level, and lifestyle habits can influence how quickly you see results.
  • Treatment Area: Some areas of the body may respond more quickly than others.
  • Consistency: Adhering to the recommended treatment schedule is crucial for optimal results.



  • 1-2 Weeks: Early signs of improvement, but subtle.
  • 4-6 Weeks: Noticeable changes in muscle tone and firmness.
  • 8 Weeks: Optimal and peak results with significant improvements.
Consult with your provider to get personalised expectations based on your specific treatment plan and individual factors.
How many HIFEM sessions will I need?
The number of HIFEM sessions you'll need can vary based on your specific goals, the area being treated, and your body's response to the treatment. While the typical initial treatment protocol is about 4 to 6 sessions over a few weeks, the exact number of sessions you'll need can vary. Regular maintenance sessions may also be required to maintain and optimise results. Always consult with a professional to determine the best plan for you. However, here are some general guidelines:


1. Initial Treatment Course
  • Typical Protocol: Most providers recommend an initial course of about 4 to 6 sessions. These are usually spaced out over 2 to 3 weeks, with each session being 2 to 3 days apart.
  • Frequency: Sessions are often scheduled twice a week for optimal results.
2. Maintenance Sessions
  • After completing the initial course, maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain and enhance the results. These are typically scheduled once a month or every few months, depending on your specific needs and the recommendations of your provider.
3. Factors Influencing the Number of Sessions
  • Treatment Area: Larger or more resistant muscle groups might require more sessions compared to smaller or more responsive areas.
  • Desired Results: If you are looking for significant muscle enhancement and fat reduction, you might need additional sessions beyond the initial course.
  • Individual Response: Everyone's body responds differently to HIFEM. Some people might see noticeable results after a few sessions, while others might need more treatments to achieve their desired outcomes.
4. Consultation
  • It's essential to have a consultation with a qualified provider who can assess your specific needs, evaluate your goals, and create a customised treatment plan. They can provide a more precise estimate of the number of sessions you’ll need.
How long will a HIFEM treatment take?
During a HIFEM session, the device is applied to the targeted area, and electromagnetic pulses are delivered to induce muscle contractions. A typical session lasts about 30 minutes, and multiple sessions are usually recommended for optimal results. This duration can vary slightly depending on the specific area being treated and the device being used, but 30 minutes is a common timeframe.
Who are HIFEM treatments suitable for?
HIFEM treatments are suitable for a wide range of individuals, but there are certain criteria and conditions that make someone an ideal candidate. Here are the key points to consider:


Ideal Candidates

1. Moderately Fit Individuals
  • Muscle Toning: Those who are already relatively fit and are looking to enhance muscle definition and strength in specific areas.
  • Body Contouring: Individuals who want to reduce localised fat deposits and improve body contours without invasive procedures.
2. Postpartum Women
  • Core Strengthening: Women who have recently given birth and are looking to regain core strength and tone the abdominal muscles.
3. People with Busy Schedules
  • Quick and Convenient: Those who prefer a quick, non-invasive procedure with no downtime, making it easy to fit into a busy lifestyle.
4. Patients Seeking Non-Surgical Options
  • Non-Invasive: Individuals who prefer non-surgical and non-invasive methods for body sculpting and muscle strengthening.


Special Considerations

1. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Muscle Weakness: People recovering from injuries or surgeries who need to strengthen weakened muscles.
  • Rehabilitation: Patients in need of physical therapy to improve muscle function and overall physical health.
2. Healthy Individuals
  • General Health: Candidates should generally be in good health, without severe medical conditions that could interfere with the treatment.


Unsuitable Candidates

1. Pregnant Women
  • Safety Concerns: HIFEM is not recommended during pregnancy due to potential risks to the mother and foetus.
2. Individuals with Metal Implants
  • Interference: Those with metal or electronic implants (e.g., pacemakers, metal rods) in or near the treatment area should avoid HIFEM treatments due to the electromagnetic fields.
3. Certain Medical Conditions
  • Chronic Illnesses: People with certain chronic illnesses or severe medical conditions should consult with a healthcare provider before considering HIFEM.
  • Skin Conditions: Those with skin infections or conditions in the treatment area might need to avoid HIFEM until these issues are resolved.
4. Obesity
  • Targeted Results: HIFEM is not a weight loss solution and may not be effective for individuals with a significant amount of body fat. It is more suitable for those looking to enhance muscle definition and reduce localised fat deposits.


Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider or aesthetic professional is essential to determine if HIFEM is the right option based on individual health status and goals.
Are there any side effects to HIFEM treatments?
HIFEM treatments are generally considered safe and non-invasive, with minimal side effects. Overall, HIFEM treatments are generally well-tolerated with minimal and temporary side effects, making them a popular choice for non-invasive muscle toning and body contouring. However, as with any medical or aesthetic procedure, there can be some side effects and considerations. Here are the most common side effects and important considerations:


Common Side Effects

1. Muscle Soreness
  • Description: Similar to the feeling after an intense workout, you might experience mild to moderate muscle soreness in the treated area.
  • Duration: This soreness typically lasts for a few days following the treatment.
2. Temporary Redness or Swelling
  • Description: Some individuals may notice slight redness or swelling in the treated area immediately after the session.
  • Duration: These effects are usually temporary and subside within a few hours to a day.
3. Tingling Sensation
  • Description: A tingling or warm sensation may be felt during the treatment as the muscles contract.
  • Duration: This sensation typically stops shortly after the session ends.
4. Muscle Fatigue
  • Description: You may experience a sense of muscle fatigue in the treated area, akin to having completed a strenuous exercise session.
  • Duration: This is temporary and usually resolves within a day or two.


Rare Side Effects

1. Skin Irritation
  • Description: In rare cases, individuals may experience minor skin irritation or rash at the site of treatment.
  • Duration: This is usually mild and temporary.
2. Muscle Spasms
  • Description: Some people might experience muscle spasms during or after the treatment.
  • Duration: These are generally not severe and can be managed with rest and hydration.
What risks are involved with HIFEM treatments?
HIFEM treatments are not suitable for individuals with metal implants, certain medical conditions, or pregnant women. Consultation with a healthcare provider is advised for those with specific health concerns.


Considerations and Precautions

1. Metal Implants and Electronic Devices
  • Interference: Individuals with metal implants (such as pacemakers or metal rods) in or near the treatment area should avoid HIFEM treatments due to the risk of electromagnetic interference.
2. Pregnancy
  • Safety Concerns: HIFEM treatments are not recommended for pregnant women.
3. Certain Medical Conditions
  • Consultation Needed: Individuals with specific health conditions (such as severe heart disorders, epilepsy, or active infections in the treatment area) should consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing HIFEM treatments.
4. Skin Conditions
  • Pre-existing Issues: Those with pre-existing skin conditions (such as eczema or dermatitis) in the treatment area should discuss potential risks with their provider.
30 minutes session (2 areas) | $250
Possible area combinations:
  • Abs and calves
  • Buttocks and thighs
  • Abs and upper arms
  • Buttocks and arms

*** Available at Brunswick location ONLY